NRF AI4Science Workshop for Education

9th May 2024


Role-playing in training Social Work Students


  • Employers: “The new graduates need to be able to do cases at the point of hire”
  • New graduates: “Am I able to do this?”
  • Current students: “I would like more practice?”


  • More deliberate practice opportunities
    • in-class and esp., out-of-class
  • Realistic assessment of … not knowledge..but skills
    • skills = counselling skills, case conceptualization etc
  • Help students in transiting to work: “that last mile”

Role-playing’s potential

LLM as service user

LLM as mentor

Framework for design, developmt, and evaluation

LLM as service-user -> human <- LLM as mentor

  • create each character: relevant, appropriateness
  • integrate both into a system
  • technical challenges: consistent in long-run conversations
  • evaluate

Evaluate Students’ Skills

  • Students can use this OTOT -> deliberate practice
  • Tracking students’ progress for self- and instructor-evalution
  • Beyond papers and exams: evaluate students’ real skills

Enabled by AI, Role-playing’s Potential in Bridging Knowledge and Skills.